Can Teeth Grinding Cause Pain?

Are you looking for the best tooth grinding information? If you are currently grinding your teeth and think you are experiencing pain related to your grinding, it is definitely in your best interest for you to find a teeth grinding solution that will work for you.

Tooth grinding is a relatively common dental problem. Whether you have recently started to grind your teeth or have been grinding for many years, this action can indeed cause you pain. Some people will grind their teeth during the day, which means that they usually are aware of what they are doing the grinding. However, some people only grind their teeth at night. When someone grinds his or her teeth during the night, it is likely that he or she will not even know that he or she are doing it, until they start feeling some of the repercussions.

Teeth grinding overview

Grinding one’s teeth is also known as clenching one’s teeth, gnashing one’s teeth and bruxism. The act of grinding is one that needs to be stopped as soon as entirely possible because of its potential to cause long-term damage to the teeth and jaw.

Reasons for teeth grinding

There are many different reasons why someone would grind their teeth, including but not limited to being under a great deal of stress, feeling frustrated, dealing with a lot of tension, having family members who also grind their teeth and being diagnosed with a mental or physical health problem, i.e., dementia, sleep apnea, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Can teeth grinding cause pain?

Yes, when someone grinds their teeth, it can cause them to experience pain. While some people who slightly grind their teeth will tend to only experience minimal or no pain at all, most people who grind their teeth will experience moderate pain, with some experiencing severe pain.

The following is a list of some of the more common problems people who grind their teeth on a regular basis will experience:

  • Headaches, which can turn into migraines.
  • Facial pain, especially in the jaw area.
  • Earache, which can occur in one or both ears.
  • Damage to their teeth.
  • Damage to their gums.
  • Sores on the inside of the cheek or gums.
  • Jaw problems.

In pain from grinding your teeth?

Since tooth grinding can cause you to experience pain, the sooner you seek treatment, the sooner you will be able to be free from your pain. While there are a few things that you can do at home yourself to help ease any pain you may be experiencing, like managing any stress, applying ice and not chewing gum, seeking the assistance of a dental professional can provide you with a proper treatment plan.

Request an appointment in our Huntsville dentist office here:

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