When You Should Call Your Dentist for a Dental Checkup

Dental Checkup Huntsville, AL

When was your last dental checkup? Read on to learn about the importance of sticking to regular dental appointments. The American Dental Association recommends getting a dental checkup at least two times per year. These visits are crucial to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, two of the most common issues dentists treat.

A dental checkup also gives the dentist a chance to notice abnormalities in a person’s mouth, like symptoms of gum disease or abnormal growths. Early detection of dental issues is crucial since issues like gum disease can be reversed in their early stages.

Reasons to visit your dentist for a dental checkup

Here are some signs you might be due for a dental checkup:


Toothaches are nature’s way of letting you know something is wrong in your mouth. While there are countless over-the-counter products that help to alleviate the pain caused by tooth pain, the only way to permanently bring it to an end is to address the root cause.

A dentist can perform tests to pinpoint the cause of the pain and recommend appropriate treatments.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are one of the symptoms of gum disease. A person’s gum bleeding once in a while is not a significant issue, but gum tissues that bleed every time you brush might be infected. Gum disease is the bacterial infection of gum tissues, and it occurs in two main stages. Gingivitis is the first stage, and it can be reversed with improved oral hygiene and regular teeth cleanings.

If left untreated, gingivitis evolves into periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. The infection is chronic at this point, so it can only be managed with treatments. Periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. It causes permanent damage to the gum and bone structures that keep teeth in place. Other symptoms of gum disease include tender and inflamed gums.

Abnormal growth in the mouth or lips

Abnormal growths in or around a person’s mouth might be a sign of oral cancer, so it is best to check it out immediately. Dentists perform oral cancer screens as part of their dental checkups, and samples of any abnormal tissues are taken and sent to a lab.

Discolored teeth

A dental checkup can include cosmetic treatments that address issues like stained and discolored teeth. Dentists have many ways to improve the shade of a patient’s teeth, like teeth whitening, veneers, composite bonding, and crowns.

Any other aesthetic issues detected during the checkup, like eroded teeth, can also be addressed during the appointment.

Loose restoration

A dental restoration becoming loose means it is no longer providing the protection it was placed there for. It means acids and bacteria are free to attack the tooth underneath. A loose restoration generally counts as a dental emergency since it requires immediate treatment.

Make your dental health a priority

Regular dental checkups help keep your teeth and gums healthy, reducing your risk of developing issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Call or visit our Huntsville dental clinic to set up an appointment.

Request an appointment here: https://www.angelafennell.com or call Angela S. Fennell DMD, PC at (256) 660-3089 for an appointment in our Huntsville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Checkup in Huntsville, AL.

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